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Business development logistics

Business development logistics

Work Experience

2007-2010 Madrid - Spain
Business development in the field of green energy systems
Setting up a new company structure to implement solar energy plants in Spain, Italy and other worldwide countries with governmental subsidies.
Setting up the financial structure and operating result calculations for constitutional international investors.
Member of the management team to establish and control the physical building operation.

2006-2010 On consultancy basis
Business development for oil-company.
Orientation in the international real estate market
Preparation of new headquarter operation in Switzerland.
Purchasing new developments in Turkey, Germany, Egypt, Congo and Angola.

2005-2007 Developer Hotel resort in Egypt.
International Marketing
Set up international marketing organisation.
Building agent network in the UK and Ireland.
Total sales within 1,5 year 300 units in the Beach Resort Egypt

2003-2005 Development 5* Hotel Alanya - Turkey
International Marketing and Sales
Started sales organisation to sell guaranteed rental apartments.
First Hotel Resort sold out within 12 months in European market

1997-2003 Personal Holding Doetinchem - NL
Managing Director
Set up Warehousing and Logistics company within the Emons Group.
Development of new real estate projects in the Netherlands
4 real estate investment projects with more than 200 units finalized.
Selling and financing Golf Resort units in Spain.

1989-1997 Logistic Company Tilburg - NL
Marketing and Sales Manager
International coordination of the sales organisation
Implementing “Cesar” the concern software to exchange all relevant client information data between all European branches (42)
Management of 4 local branches in the Netherlands

1987-1989 Logistic Company Heijen
Reorganisation of the existing organisation and turn around to a profitable operation. Within 1 year the company was promising and healthy after 3 years negative results.

1985-1987 International Transport Company, ‘s-H-berg - NL
Sales Director
Headhunted to implement overnight delivery services in Europe

1973-1984 Global Express Company Duiven - NL
Marketing Manager
Management of commercial branches in Holland
Member of the project group to implement a new overnight delivery service in the whole of Europe.


Mulo A Rotterdam
Professional Transportation School A+B
Marketing Management
Public relations
Sales Management
Software implementations




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