Flex Manager
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Busines Process Manager

Busines Process Manager

Work Experience

Freelance assignments :
from 2008 till now.
2011 - now :
• Tennant EMEA :
Credit Controller || Process Developer
2010 :
• Lyfra :
Cash collector || Credit Controller
• Scarlet Brussel :
Credit Manager
• Orion Communications :
• Vigoureux Glaswerken :
Manager Assistant
• Essenzia Advocaten :
Credit Control || Lawyer Assistant
• DeltaCel International :
• NextEvent :
Organisation Manager at TeraData Conference Berlin 2010
• Cantilis :
Manager Assistant || Credit Controller
• Goudsmederij Wim Meeussen :
design adn layout brochures
• Derbigum :
Manager Assistant of Export Manager
• BMW Financial Services :
Financial Controller
• KMO Sanitair Luyten :
organizing invoice system
• KMO Schrijnwerkerij Brems :
managing order process
• Galerie Molensloot :
maintenance of website (ongoing)

Copywriting assignments
2011 : Copywriter @ Manager Magazines
2011 : Copywriter @Frankwatching.com
2010 : Copywriter @Lifehacking.nl
2009 : Copywriter @Academic Services.

Training assignments
2011 : AAA : training excel 2007
2010 : Syntra : training excel 2007 basic and advanced
2009 : Bit by Bit : several Office trainings
2009 : HiPePe : time management trainings

• www.mindwell.be
• www.eco-deco.org
• www.galeriemolensloot.be
• www.lexintel.be
• www.tootops.be
• www.vlaamsebedrijvencentra.be


Current education
2011 – 2012 Certified Business Process Manager - Amelior
1980 – 1986 : Science - Mathematics
K.A Deurne
1986 – 1987 : 1st year system analysis
HRITO – Deurne
1987 – 1991 : Degree in Solfege and Classical Guitar prijs notenleer
Conservatorium - Antwerp
2000-2002 : Programmer, bedrijfsanalyse
SEI-BKR ( Birm)


Very good knowledge
• Onguard
• Oracle Forms
• Windows Office 2003, 2007
• Wordpress
Practical experience
• Navision
• Oracle Portal
• Oracle Designer
• Joomla
• ASP, JSP  basic, but I can modify existing code
• XML, PHP basic, but I can modify existing code
• FTP, FilleZilla
• Visual Basic
• Dreamweaver
• LeaseBase : a software solution that supports all aspects of managing vehicle leasing and fleet management contracts
• Visual Source Safe
Basic Knowledge
• Unix
• Linux Shell Scripting
• Java, Javascript
• JDeveloper
• Frontpage
• Indesign


Dutch : mother tongue
English : very good, project experience
French : very good, project experience
German : basic


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