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Interim CIO/Director/outsourcing specialist/Program Manager

Interim CIO/Director/outsourcing specialist/Program Manager

Work Experience

Cito June 2010 – present
Ad-interim CIO.
After a long period of decentralize decision making the CITO organization has a need for structural centralized Information Management. Within this function my responsibility is to build the CIO office and implement al nec-essary processes.

Cito Dec 2009 – march 2011
Program Director new infrastructure (5mio Euro)
Implementation project to facilitate the total renewal of the infrastructure while moving to a brand new building and introducing the technical features to enable the employees to work wherever they want in- or outside the building.

Schuuring may 2009 – dec 2009
Startup of a new Operation center for the fiber market.

AVNET technology Solutions
Solutions & Services
Job description: Director Professional & managed Services EMEA
September 2008 – April 2009
Via an aggressive takeover strategy in the last years AVNET is in the possession of several service opera-tions in different countries. This is in line with the company’s strategy to become a added value services, software and hardware distributor.
Optimizing, aligning and restructuring the current 42 mio operation (170 FTE) to increase the profitability to an operational margin of 22% (current 12%). Expanding activities via autonomic growth, vendor outsourcing contracts and acquisitions. Expanding the service operation to Eastern Europe. Introducing new tools and processes to utilize the workforce on a pan-European level. Expanding the service portfolio by developing new services and optimizing the vendor services sales. Managing the outsourced vendor services.

2003 - 2008
Vice president of the board of management
Portfolio: Strategy, CIO congress and external communications.

Steenbok Adviesgroep
Consultancy-Interim Management
Job description: Senior Consultant
January 2008 – August 2008
Interim IT management, Program Management, Senior Project Manager, Organization Advisor, Change Manger.

Job description: Director Services
October 2005 – December 2007
Restructuring of the highly loss making services organization in the Netherlands. Creating a profitable P&L for this 10 mio py operation.. Redefine the product market combinations to enforce focus and strengthen our position on the market. Restructuring the 60 products and markets to 5 core practices, (managed services, Biometrics (mainly focused on the Fingerprinting recognition and matching software), Midoffice solutions for the local government (in this particular division we build the full support and implementation capabilities to customize the software to the customers needs), Storage and Infrastructure Architect support services result-ing in a personal reduction of 20 empl. and a active re-skill program for the remaining 40. Rebuild the Man-aged services and Outsourcing department to provide a broader recurring revenue stream.

Atos Origin
End User Support
Job description: Service Delivery Director.
June 2005 – October 2005
Restructuring of a major outsourcing contract. Creating a profitable P&L for this 30 mio + (p/y) contract.
Redefine the internal procedures to create agility to support this rapid changing energy supplier. Reduce the workforce (200+) to an acceptable highly productive team suitable to the cost structure of the contract (20% reduction).

Equant (Orange Business)
Sales & Marketing
Job description: Business Development Director.
June 2004 – June 2005
Development of the services and outsource proposition for Equant within the existing and target customer base. Providing management team with directions for the organizational changes essential to complete the shift towards a Solutions company. By Introducing Siebel ESP/CRM and global strategic sales techniques for the sales force a number of multinational accounts outsourced there network activities to Equant.Managing the implementation team for the top 5 customers.

1997 - 2004

Global Business development
Job description: Global Director End to End management Delivery.
January 2003 – June 2004
Responsible for the standardization of the delivery organization worldwide. Responsible for the global imple-mentation of strategic programs and solutions to improve workforce effectiveness and skill set monitoring ca-pabilities. Advisor to the board in translating strategic business decisions in executable business plans. Manag-ing local country management teams in offering the right solution in national and international bids. Negotiation partner for the top 10 international customers and partners. Point of contact for annalists and external consult-ants regarding near- off shore activities. Advisor to the board for strategic restructuring of the local call centers, network monitoring operations and support activities. Advisor to the CIO office for back-office innovations appli-cation and infrastructural changes.

Service Management Integration
Job description: Business Unit Director
January 2001 – January 2003
Startup of an high level business unit, combining the specialist from former wang, getronics and raet.
The business unit is primarily responsible for the answering of RFP’s, consulting, negotiating and implementing outsource contracts within the customer’s environment. The focus is related to international and large custom-ers. At the end of 2002 the BU counted 60 professionals and had an target revenue of 12 mio Euro. This BU was responsible for the development of a global standard outsourcing approach.

Business development
Job description: Manager ICT Management Group
March 2000 –January 2001
Within the business line Marketing and Business development responsible for a team of consultants and transi-tion managers with a dedication on outsourcing. The team supported the sales organization and implemented the sold sites according the contract.

Job description: Manager Transition Managers
October 1999 – March 2000
Responsible for a team of transition managers implementing outsourced ICT environments.

Dutchtone (orange mobile)
Job description: Interim/Transition Manager
October 1998 – October 1999
Responsible for the initial implementation of the ICT environment and service organization. During the start up of this mobile telecom provider my team took responsibility of implementing the ict environment for both the main offices and the call center from scratch till a fully operational 3000 fte counting organization.


MBA General Management (IBO)

• BEKAUT – Business Administration for IT specialists

Additional educations
• Nima – A
• ISO 9000 Auditor
• Potential Development Program (internal Getronics)
• Several seminars and courses regarding IT and outsourcing.
• Several seminars and courses regarding Change Management and communication.


Specialized in
• Program- en project management
• Interim- & change management
• Bid Management
• International Sales
• Business Modeling / Business Process Redesign
• ICT management
• Solution Design for business infrastructures
• Outsourcing


• Dutch: Native
• German: good (Speak and Written)
• English: good (Speak and Written)


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