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HR services

HR services

Work Experience

bvba (since august 2008 - today)

bvba provides a full range of HR services, from interim managment/generalist HR roles, specialized HR services and consultantcy

Interim Assignments completed:

ThyssenKrupp elevators: 2008-2009 ( 16 months)
• Recruitment of blue and white collar
• HR generalist tasks
• Follow up of the health insurance issues
• Payroll for white collars
• Creation of a process to follow up the expenses on mobile phones and fuel.
• Implementing the whole CV Warehouse Talent acquisition process

Secretary plus: 2010 (12 months)
• Business development
• Recruitment: using monster, stepstone
• Support on different HR projects

Sales Consult: 2011 ( 7 months)
• Recruitment of Sales profiles from junior to director level
• Manage the client relation
• Assessments: STAR method
• Sourcing from Linkedin, Otys data system, monster, stepstone

Laco nv: 2011 (3 months)
• Recruitment
• Search & Selection for: Java, SQL, Control M, PM, PL, BA, FA
• Leading the interview, making complete reports
• Presenting the candidate to the Account Manager

Optima Facto: 2011-2012 ( 6 months)
• Delivering Training
• Developping training

: 2012 (ongoing)
Worked on different small project such as:
• Change management
• Performance management
• Coaching: individual and teams
• Direct recruitment: HR profiles, Enginering profils, IT profiles, Purchasing profiles
• Delivering training

TRAINING (04/2008 – today)
Given Trainings

Human intrest:
• How to get Balance between work & private life
• Collaboration in my department, how do I make it a success!
• Self awareness
• Bringing difficult messages
• Non verbale communication
• Assertiveness
• Language ( Dutch business cours)

Sales Training:
• What ’s the impact of fear on your results?
• How can my team get new clients, and how can we keep them with our company?
• What motivates your Sales people to stay in your organization?
• Negociation skills
• How to handle difficult clients?

04/’05 until 07/’07 NCTS IT consultant company
HR Management / Office Management
- Preparing all the payroll for employees
- Preparation for the billing for all the consultants, follow up timesheets
- Logistic management: Fleet, portables, cellphone’s, trainings
- Follow up of the contracts: check any changes, in job description, in timing.

- Follow up for the office supplies, contacts with the suppliers
- Monthly billing to clients for the performance of the consultants.
- General HR administration, preparing the payroll 25 people
- Fleet management for 10 cars, follow up of the contracts with the dealers.
- Organizing events in and out house.

09/’04 until 03/’05 VLK Vlaams liga tegen Kanker (Belgian Federation against Cancer)
Chief Administration/HR (temporary)

- Coach a team of 5 people and follow up of the daily tasks.
- Optimize the working process of the administration and expend to the needs of the company.
- Participate to all internal and some external meetings. Coordination of the external and internal events.
- For the HR: Payroll 60 people, expense notes, follow up the absences, holidays. . Follow up of the insurances.
- Making the annual budget for the administration, and needs.
- Contacts with all external suppliers and internal clients.

06/’01 until 09/’04 De Post
Textile Purchasing Manager (permanent)

- Follow up of the budget for textile, TCO.
- Improving the communication with internal clients and suppliers.
- Organize the whole textile department and handling for the Belgian Post.
- Reporting to top management, and internal clients.
- Improving the savings for 2003; 10% less achieved.
- Improving the clothing strategy from A-Z.
- Project management as
o Work and safety procedures, and clothing
o Developing a strategy for a full range for 4000 people.
o Budget management for all project concerning clothing.
o Assisting for negotiation with the Unions
- Improving the logistic process on National level.
- Managing an annual budget of 10.000.000€
- Networking in different departments

07/’00 tot 06/’01 SWAROVSKI BELGIUM (permanent)

Administrative Manager:
- Responsible fot handling the Belgian office
- Managing the client support service: follow up of all payments, phone contacts with clients, managing the complaints
- Contacts with headoffice in Netherlands.
- Preparing and support to all events, seminars.
- Managing a team of 12 people.

03/’99 until 09/’99 BELGAVIA(interim)
Training coördinator :

- Organise training for Belgavia people.
- Follow up of the training market, to improve the internal training.
- Follow up of the administration.
- Make analyses and present on weekly basis, all demands and needs for training needs for each department.

02/’98 until 02/’99 DELOITTE & TOUCHE CONSUL. GROUP EHQ(permanent)
All round officer
- Manage all logistic needs for the EHQ office.
- Fleet management for the EHQ
- Manage the recruitment procedures and needs analyses
- Assist the European Financial Director
- Main language was English

09/’96 until 01/’97 MASTER BIND(permanent):
Coordination for the telemarking division.
- Manage a team of 15 telemarketeers.

07/’93 until 07/’96 KOFFIE F. ROMBOUTS (permanent)
- Start up the concept of “coffee shops” in Belgium.
- Looking up for the best retail possibilities in Belgium.
- Manage all recruitment
- Training to all the staff in sales techniques and product knowledge.
- Buying all Coffe , Thee, accessories.
- Evolution of the Belgian market and the French market.
- Making the annual budget
- Follow up of fairs, suppliers for all accessories.
- Create and give training about coffee and thee.

’89 until ’93 Different temporary contracts::
Ascom Hasler: Commercial in telephonie for 6 months.
American Express: 12 months, internal commercial service.
Hostesses International: different European contracts for the EEC, meetings events for IBM, Event management. All Belgian Fairs.
And more…


08/’07 EAGALA: methodology coaching with horses
09/’06 Coaching with horses
04/’04 Stress Management
06/’03 Project Management
04/’02 Time Management
05/ ‘02 Cours European public tender and negociations.
07/ ’02 Making a business plan.
10/’01-06/’03 NLP practitioner
09/’00-06/’01 NLP: communication and negotiation technics
04/’97-12/’97 VDAB: Day cours IT, office, support accounting

1988-1991 Psychologie : University of Utrecht


Change management, operational management, leadership, communication, cultural awareness, motivating, good listener, strong negociator, analytical, team spirit, hard worker (efficient & effective)

bvba provides a full range of HR services, from interim managment/generalist HR roles, specialized HR services and consultantcy

• Recruitment
• Settlement Agreements and terminations of employment contracts
• HR management
• Training ( development & delivery)
• Expatriates management & Services
• Transformational management
• Compensation & Benefits
• Performance Management

bvba offers

HR interim Management (mid-long term)
- Pregnancy leave replacements
- Interim HR manager replacement
- Project based assignments
- Temporary assistance to existing HR Teams

HR Consultancy (short-long term)
- Developing & Delivering training sessions
- Coaching: teams & individuals
- Assistance in change management “ positive boost, with assurance of neutrality)


Dutch, French, English
German good understanding level, basic speaking level.


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