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HR Consultant

HR Consultant

Work Experience

Industry, chemicals, insurance.
Manufacturing industry operating internationally.

Career history as Senior HR consultant :
2003 – present Temporary interim posts as all round HR Consultant at strategic, tactical and operatio nal level.
Since 2007 Mediations between different people and for different firms, firms or local governments.

Duties and responsibilities:
•Advice and support to Board of Directors and general staff
•Developing and describing HRM work processes for business and external audit organisations
•Developing HRM plan of work and strategic HRM policy.
•Setting up, negotiating and concluding service level agreements with external contracting parties
•Taking on judicial cases concerning personnel.

Maintaining projects with respect to the development of pro-active HRM policy
•Management information (needs oriented)
•Strategic training policy
•Introduction of Health and Safety policy and pro-active solutions.
•Quality courses (for external audits, designating en establishing internal responsibilities and competences, optimalising HRM processes).
•Result oriented working methods (role management and personnel), “agreed is agreed”.
•Coaching and supporting culture change.

1998 - 2003 HR Manager for manufacturing company Vital Scientific.
This company develops and produces high tech analysers for hospitals and laboratories internationally.
All-round HRM post employed at strategic, tactical and operational levels.
Quality courses and projects:
•Restructuring company, reducing full time equivalents from 140 to 69.
•Developing and describing posts for all departments (duties and responsibilities)
•Developing and implementing strategic training plans for the production plant.
•Project leader for Health and Safety and the reduction of absenteeism.
•Supervising HRM administration and salaries department.

1996 - 1998 Interim HR-consultant / all-round HR Consultant
Consequently employed by 3 clients (firms) :
a. Achmea, division Company Insurances, Apeldoorn
b. Roccade group, division RIAS (Information & Automation Systems)
c. Albany International, Spankeren (manufacturing company)
All-round HRM work at strategic, tactical and operational levels.

1993 – 1996 All-round HR consultant in the business sector Akzo Nobel, Coatings division and Royal Talens, a subsidiary of Akzo Nobel.
Reorganisation commission.
All-round HRM commission at strategic, tactical and operational level.

1989 -1993 CAD Gelderland and BASF NL BV (2 employers), Arnhem.
All-round HR support work.
Trainee personnel officer.
Prior to 1989 Experience mainly in the profit sector (full time).


Education and Training:
•February 2012 Cambridge Proficiency English, Han University Nijmegen (finished)
•August 2009 Diploma in Mediation, Specialization Labour Relations (MTI in Amersfoort).
•May 2007 Diploma in Mediation and Labour Relations (MTI in Amersfoort).
•January 2000 Post Graduate Diploma Personnel & Organisation (HAN Univ. in Nijmegen).
•May 1992 Diploma Personnel & Labour (De Horst Univ. Driebergen / Utrecht).
•Various relevant courses in HR Management, list of qualifications available on request..


Zakelijk, besluitvaardig, resultaatgericht, humor, inlevingsvermogen, allround, toegewijd.


Nederlands, Engels, Duits (mondeling en schriftelijk)


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